Thursday, February 28, 2008

First time to hold Lawson

Okay, I reached back for these but I couldn't resist having these on the blog . Many of you know that when Lawson was born, Jax was diagnosed with RSV (a resporatory virus). It is highly contagious and very serious if a newborn were to get it. Therefore, we had to keep these two seperated for the first ten days they were together. It was horrible. On Christmas Eve, Jax got to "touch" Lawson for the first time. It was so funny to us and to him. He still likes to hold Lawson but just for a second. Then, he pushes him right off. I wish I knew what Lawson was thinking when Jax has him. God has blessed us with two healthy boys.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your boys are gorgeous!!!!! i can't get over how precious and adorable they are!